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About Me

I am a nerd. I have a passion for creating nerdy things.

Examples of nerdy things I have created include: nerdy technology, companies that create nerdy technology, and patents to protect a variety of my nerdy technology inventions.


Most recently I created the ReCollection Series first book entitled "Recalling Your Future."  Nerdy, right?

In addition to creating, I also like to corrupt the not already nerdy by writing articles and public speaking around the world.

My articles can be found online with TechCrunch, VentureBeat and many other publications.  Links are listed under ARTICLES listed above.

My videos can be found online, or you can hear me speak at events like CES, WebSummit, Collision, Start and numerous Technology Expos. Some of my videos can be found in the links listed under SPEAKING listed above.

I also created a son named Jake, who is, as you may have guessed, just a little bit nerdy.

Before all of this, I was a nuclear engineer and instructor in the US Navy which may sound nerdy, but was really cool. 

Then again, being nerdy and passionate is the definition of cool.

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